Watch: New 'World War Z' Clip Advises You To Stay In Your Car Plus New Pics

nullThe teasers are now coming hard for “World War Z,” but thus far, it merely seems to be extended moments we’ve already seen in the trailer. Earlier today we got a look at Brad Pitt debating leaving his family to go fight zombies, and we get the same moment we’ve been watching for a year now, with The Riddle That Will Never Be Solved…

To recap: Dad Pitt is having a grand ol’ time with this wife and kids, when cop knocks off the side mirror of his car. Dad goes to investigate and shit looks like it’s getting real, before a BRAAAAAAAM! Yeah, that’s some overkill on the sound design department, and we really hope every jolt in the movie is going to come underlined with a soundtrack cue to go with it. Anyway, a couple new pics are here courtesy of Movieline, with everyone looking appropriately concerned.

Look behind you when “World War Z” opens on June 21st.
