Let’s face it, at the end the day, chatter about tracking, marketing, audience expectations and more is just that…chatter. Until “Pacific Rim” opens next week, and until those first reviews come out, we won’t really know if this was a bad decision on the part of financiers, a movie that deserved a better push or Guillermo Del Toro‘s blockbuster homerun (who knows, it could be). Either way, Warner Bros. is going big to make sure you buy a ticket.
So, here’s one final trailer in all its epic glory, and whether or not you’re down with human/robot machines fighting creatures for the deep, you can’t deny that Del Toro has poured it out to the max. Charlie Hunnam is our hero, with Idris Elba as the speech-ifying bossman, and assorted random folks (Charlie Day, Rinko Kikuchi, Ron Perlman) slotting into supporting roles. And hey, this delivers what we suppose it has to: robots vs. monsters. If you’re looking for character development and deep, resonant themes…well, this probably isn’t your cup of tea.
“Pacific Rim” rattles the world on July 12th. Trailer below along with yet another clip and a new featurette from the movie.