Watch: Raw, NSFW Trailer For Larry Clark's 'The Smell Of Us'

The Smell Of UsFair — and advanced — warning to all our readers, don’t watch the below trailer for Larry Clark’s new film, “The Smell of Us,” at work. Then again, if you work at home (or in porn), it’s probably okay. Also, before you refresh your window or wonder if we uploaded a bum link, know that, despite the fact that the film is in French, the trailer doesn’t have any subtitles.

“The Smell of Us” follows a group of young Parisian skateboarders, as they roll around the city drinking, doing drugs, and having sex. They’re in love with each other, in love with no one, have sex for fun, have sex for cash, and tolerate a horny, fetish-inclined old man who hangs out around them. Other than that, there’s little to no plot to speak of. Lack of plot is the least offensive violation the film commits, however. Read our full review if you’re curious as to just how detestable the film came across at the Venice Film Festival this year. (The lack of subtitles might not be such a bad thing, on second thought.)

Clark first made a splash in 1995 with “Kids,” which was up for a Palme d’Or at Cannes. Set in New York City, the film tracked a group of angsty teenagers who spend their time drinking, smoking, and having sex. Sound familiar? Since then, Clark’s averaged less than a film a year, and while they haven’t been big hits — in any sense of the term — they have all remained contentious.

“The Smell of Us” is slated to hit French cinemas on January 14th. There’s no U.S. release information at the moment. Hide your screen and watch below [via Film Divider].