Watch: Red Band Trailer For 'Horrible Bosses' Reveals How A Men Seeking Men Ad Can Go Wrong

Will this be the summer remembered for comedy instead of superheroes? While we weren’t particularly fans of “The Hangover Part II,” the movie has been nothing short of a phenomenon, “Bridesmaids” has wildly overperformed and “Bad Teacher” has been Cameron Diaz’s best movie at the box office in a long time. It seems America wants to laugh and if the early looks at “Horrible Bosses” are any indication, it should deliver the goods.

Starring Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudekis, the plot is pretty simple. Three guys hire a dude named Motherfucker Jones (Jamie Foxx) to help them murder their titular employers played by Jennifer Aniston, Colin Farrell and Kevin Spacey. It’s a great premise and it looks like everyone is bringing their A-game. Foxx may be the movie’s MVP as he seems to steal this new red band trailer completely, and we are really liking Farrell’s balding, greasy, asshole character. The only weak link might be Spacey who seems to be doing a reprise of his “Swimming With Sharks” character, but if he’s good, we won’t mind one bit.

“Horrible Bosses” hits on July 8th. Check out the filthy trailer below and a clip from movie right after that.

<a href='' target='_new' title='&#39;Horrible Bosses&#39; Trailer (Mature Audiences)' >Video: &#39;Horrible Bosses&#39; Trailer (Mature Audiences)</a>