Slow and meditative, and tackling weightier themes that touch upon the spiritual, the metaphysical, and the nature of dreams and memory, the cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky may not be for everyone, particularly in this age of blockbusters. But for the discerning cinephile, looking for greater depth and meaning in the form, there are few whose works are more rewarding.
While he only made seven features in twenty-four years, they are almost all worth tracking down, offering up to viewers an unhurried pace, dazzlingly long takes and a tone and tenor matched by very few. But until you square away some time to pop in a DVD or fire up your Netflix account, Nelson Carvajal (who created the excellent Best Picture winner supercut) has put together the video essay “Tarkovsky: Life As A Reflection.” It’s a three-and-a-half-minute journey through the filmmaker’s work, offering up an array of striking images that speak to the power of his films.
Give it a spin below and the be sure to check out our retrospective The Films Of Andrei Tarkovsky, if you need a place to get started.