Watch: Seth Rogen Talks About The Time He Peed In Tom Cruise's Driveway

Tom CruiseWhat do you do if you're about to go the house of the world's biggest movie star, but you really have to pee? If you're Seth Rogen, you reach for the nearest Snapple bottle.

Hitting "The Howard Stern Show" recently, Seth Rogen elaborated on a story he hinted at via his Twitter account. We'll let Rogen do the talking, but to put it in context, this story takes place during that brief post-couch-jumping era when Tom Cruise was viewed as a "psychopath" by the general public (this would be circa "Knocked Up" or thereabouts). Anyway, Cruise decided to ring up Rogen (and Judd Apatow) to talk about potential projects to help revive his image. Or something. Nothing really came of it (Cruise eventually bounced back with "Tropic Thunder") but Rogen says (in the longer version of the interview) he's fairly certain the meetings with Cruise might have inspired Apatow to write "Funny People." Either way, while no project resulted from the visit, we are now left with this anecdote.

And this also gives us an opportunity to trot out one of our fave interview clips ever of Bill Hader on "Late Show With David Letterman" just after "Tropic Thunder" was released, which includes his impression of Rogen describing Cruise's house. It's also just a plain amazing interview.