Watch: Trailer For Jem Cohen's 'Counting' Goes Global

"Counting"Sometimes we lament movie trailers because they can give away too much information. But then there are those movies where such a thing just isn’t possible, like with Jem Cohen’s latest film “Counting,” the trailer of which you can view below. 

“Counting,” as described in our review from the Berlin Film Festival, is a “non-narrative documentary/picaresque travelogue.” The movie is constructed into 15 distinct chapters and is Jem Cohen’s personal essay of his experiences traveling through six different cities, including New York City (his hometown), Istanbul, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. It’s a collection of images, a cinematic photo album, if you will.

READ MORE: Berlin’s Review, Globetrotting, Chris Marker Inspired Doc Essay ‘Counting’

As you can see from the trailer, the images range from the strikingly beautiful to the mundane to… cats. As it says on its website, “‘Counting’ measures street life, light and time, noting not only surveillance and overdevelopment but resistance and its phantoms as manifested in music, animals and everyday magic.” Cohen’s film will get a limited theatrical release, premiering at New York’s IFC Center on July 31st.