Watch: Trailer For Tarsem's 'Mirror Mirror' Promises A Future Camp Classic

nullSo, yes, there are two Snow White movies coming next year but rest assured weary moviegoer, they could not be more different. It was just a few days ago that we saw the first, surprisingly impressive trailer for "Snow White And The Huntsman" a darker, grittier take on the fairy tale and now we have the competition, "Mirror Mirror" from "Immortals" and "The Cell" director Tarsem. And yeah, it's…different.

Though the production has never been shy in pointing out that this one is skewing to a younger audience, the first look at this swings so broadly with slapstick humor, a bizarre "Scarface" reference and some eye-rolling puns we don't know what to make of this thing. Visually, this has to be one of Tarsem's weakest efforts, with the plastic looking sets, watercolor backgrounds and (minimal) effects certainly pointing to a movie that is rushing to meet a spring release date. The story, written by Melissa Wallack and Jason Keller, will strike a balance between adventure and comedy with Snow White teaming up with a pack of seven dwarfs to take on her evil stepmother who has destroyed the kingdom and killed her father, but obviously, the tone weighs more heavily on the "laughs" than any thrills.

This kind of looks awful, but maybe this is a future fairy tale "Showgirls" that will prompt drinking games and post-release appreciation by high falutin' cinephiles trying to justify a trainwreck with academic language. So which movie will be the fairest of them all next year? Not this one. Watch below.