Watch: Vintage 1-Hour PBS Documentary 'From Star Wars To Jedi: The Making Of A Saga' Narrated By Mark Hamill

Star Wars: Episode 6 — Return Of The Jedi George LucasAs rumors continue to swirl around "Star Wars: Episode 7," and whether or not it’ll make its planned December 2015 release, let’s take a trip back to a simpler time, one where the only thing you had to worry about was how much waiting in line you’d have to do for the next entry in the George Lucas-created saga. And for those who grew up in the late ’70s and early ’80s, where seeing a movie like "Star Wars" was imperative especially since the home video release could be a long, long time away, this one-hour documentary is a good example that speaks to the appetite for the series long after final chapter (at the time) had played out in cinemas.

Produced for PBS, "From Star Wars To Jedi: The Making Of A Saga," narrated by Mark Hamill, first aired on December 3, 1983, seven months after "Star Wars: Episode VI — Return Of The Jedi" had hit theatres. And it’s good stuff. George Lucas takes a center role in this one talking about his creation, filmmaking in general and much more, with lots of behind-the-scenes footage. And it’s funny/sad to hear him say things like, "A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing," considering how tedious the prequels would prove that prophecy to be. Anyway, give it a spin below.