Premiering last year in the midst of the always busy and expansive Toronto International Film Festival, Nenad Cicid-Sain‘s directorial debut “The Time Being” may have a flown a bit under the radar. But the talent and premise are intriguing enough that it could be a good option against the emptier fare at your local multiplex this weekend.
Starring Wes Bentley, Frank Langella, Corey Stoll and Sarah Paulson, the story follows Daniel (Bentley) an ambitious, struggling young artist whose work captures the interest of reclusive millionaire Warner (Frank Langella). When the man commissions Daniel for a piece, it instead turns out to involve a series of increasingly bizarre surveillance assignments. And as you’ll see in this exclusive clip, Daniel is already wary of Warner’s intentions from the start as they negotiate just what his work will involve.
Featuring a score by Academy Award winning composer Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, and shot by “The Master” lenser Mahai Malaimare Jr., “The Time Being” is currently available on VOD and opens opens in LA and NYC starting today. Watch below.