We've Got Bush; More 'W' Photos That Is

USA Today has some new photos of Oliver Stone’s George W. Bush biopic, “W,” starring Josh Brolin as the decider, Elizabeth Banks as his wife, and a boatload of other big-name actors playing the Bush White House cabinet circa 2003-4 (see more photos of the whole crew here).

Stone keeps claiming the film is a comedy (“satire” are his exact words), but this comedic/satirical tone wasn’t something he was mentioning in the beginning. “It was so painful for me,” he said after showing the first act of the movie in his editing bay. “The reaction is to laugh a little because the pain would be too much.”

The long quotes gets into quotes we’ve already heard Stone say about the movie and curiously, there’s nothing in there about whether the film will be ready for its October 17 release date. Lion’s Gate has already had to push back press screenings and in a current GQ article, Stone himself sounded unsure whether the film would be ready in time.