If the market has dictated anything it’s that no one cares about “Atlas Shrugged.” The reception to the trilogy has been pretty dismal both critically and commercially, with the first part earning $4.6 million and second even less, with $3.3 million. The budget on the first movie alone was $20 million and something tells us Ayn Rand herself would tell the filmmakers to get out of this while they still can. Somehow $10 million more dollars is being spent on a third installment, and the filmmakers want your money.
Producers have hit Kickstarter, hat in hand, asking for $250,000 dollars, even though they claim not to actually need it, they’re just doing it for publicity (but still, they’ll take your money if you give it to them). “There is an incredible amount of vitriol out there and we have every intention of capitalizing on it this time around,” producer Harmon Kaslow told THR. “The day we launch the Kickstarter campaign those haters are going to come alive. They’re going to come after us in droves, attacking us everywhere online. To them, we say, thank you.” You’re welcome?
As always, there all kinds of levels you can donate at if you really want to make this movie that no one will see happen, from $10 will which get your name on a website (seriously) to $10,000 where you will get the exclusive, once in a lifetime opportunity to “hang out” with Karmon and director John Aglialoro at the premiere of the movie. Whoa!
If all goes according to plan, they’ll shoot this fall, for a release in late 2014. In short, “Atlas Shrugged 3” is coming, which we reckon will be met with a shrug from just about everyone.