What's Next For Johnny Depp: Familiar Burton-Helmed Territory?, Disney-Backed Pirate/Sidekick Movie Or Nothing?

For nearly a decade, Johnny Depp has had no more two features released within any given 18 month period. With the world in the grips of the recession, bankable stars like Depp are invaluable and, more than ever, studios are looking to be utilize the actor for all his worth.

But as THR points out, if Terry Gilliam’s “The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus” does see a release by year’s end in 2010 in the U.S., Depp would have four films coming out within the current 18 months: Michael Mann’s Depp-led “Public Enemies” which is still due to delayed releases in countries like Australia; Tim Burton’s “Alice In Wonderland”; the Hunter S. Thompson adaptation “The Rum Diary”; and the aforementioned ‘Parnassus.’

With filming on all four completed, Depp is now on the lookout for his next venture and, according to THR, his options are as follows:

1. Warner Brothers want Depp to lead Kevin Lima’s remake of “The Incredible Mr. Limpet.” Depp would play the titular role in the film which would sustain the “whimsical if slightly less drama-intensive” streak Depp has going. The actor is not signed on yet though and, if he does, production isn’t due to begin until next year.

2. Depp still has the fourth installment of the “Pirates Of The Caribbean” franchise cooking over at Disney. Gore Verbinski is no longer attached though (but didn’t he drop out to do “Bioshock” and then drop out of that?) and the studio is still currently seeking a new director which may take a while. Originally, it was believed they were after an established franchise and action helmer, but word now that the studio has let agents know it would be open to younger directors and new ideas. An estimated four to five-year hiatus between this and “Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End” is now being expected. Burger King or some restaurant chain that was hoping for a tie-in is now pissed.

3. The Depp-Disney relationship is set continue after ‘Pirates’ with the silver screen adaptation of “The Lone Ranger.” Delays in ‘Pirates’ may end up pushing ‘Ranger’ back further though there’s also a possibility it could shoot before. For now, the film is still locked in as post-‘Pirates’ with the Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio script completed. Polishes on the script may still be commissioned but and, furthermore, with no director and no lead, this still looks a fair way off.

4. And then there’s Warners’ feature adaptation of TV series “Dark Shadows.” The project will once again reunite Depp with Tim Burton and had planned to shot later this year or early next year. This doesn’t look great though as Burton would likely be still working on “Alice In Wonderland,” according to the trade. However, Burton recently told MTV that ‘Shadows’ was going to shoot next year. “[It’s] something that [Depp and I] both love and are excited about” and that “when I’m done with [‘Wonderland’] I’ll definitely focus on that.” Or at least, that’s his wish.

5. None of the above and taking a year off. Sounds like the two Disney projects and Burton’s “Dark Shadows” will only happen if time and scheduling work out which seems to be doubtful or 50/50 at this point. Both of these projects also have a sense of formulaic familiarity about them though, admittedly, “The Lone Ranger” would be at least semi-interesting.

What about all those wild rumors and links Depp’s been subjected in recent times: the likes of the Dean Martin biopic, Carol Channing biopic, Frank Sinatra biopic, third Batman film and “Sin City 3.” Nothing? We were hoping the Frank Sinatra project with Martin Scorsese directing would be on the docket somewhere, but it’s not in this trade piece whatsoever.