It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to say this, but we truly are excited to see the latest Michael Bay movie. Swapping enormous machines for enormous muscles, “Pain & Gain” is looking increasingly like Bay has made the action movie equivalent of “Spring Breakers,” with a tiny budget by Bay’s standards and fueled by the kind of homoeroticism we haven’t seen this side of “Bad Boys 2.” Two new TV spots have dropped for the heist comedy and it looks as over the top and brilliantly unhinged as ever, and hopefully that’s a good thing because it’s release is now only a few weeks away on April 26th.
But while our excitement has steadily increased for that movie, our anticipation has been kept at a constant high for J.J. Abrams’ upcoming sequel, “Star Trek Into Darkness.” After supplying nerdgasms aplenty with its full-length trailers, we’ve now got a new minute-long TV spot for the movie that aired during the third season finale (that didn’t feel anything like a finale) of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” There doesn’t seem to be an awful lot of new footage on show, save for a new line from Benedict Cumberbatch’s villain promising vengeance, but at this point fans will probably take anything they can get. We’ll be trekking into darkness/theaters with Kirk and co on May 17th.
Either or both? Watch and let us know below.