While You're Waiting For 'Interstellar,' Here's Over 100 Behind-The-Scenes Photos From 'The Dark Knight' Trilogy

nullWe’re just over a month away from "Interstellar" arriving in theaters, and as usual Christopher Nolan is keeping as much as possible under wraps (though some brand new photos arrived earlier today). So until the film is released, let’s take a trip back in time to the movies that effectively gave the filmmaker a blank check in Hollywood: "The Dark Knight" trilogy.

Earning over $2.3 billion dollars worldwide, the films have allowed Nolan to do pretty much whatever he wants. The 100-plus pictures from behind the scenes of the trilogy below are a reminder of his microscopic attention to all aspects of production on his movies. It’s also worth noting that he’s probably one of the most well dressed people you’ll ever find on a movie set, and a couple of years back, he explained why that is.

"I went to a boarding school where we had to wear a uniform, and I got used to using all the pockets in my jacket. It’s just what I’m comfortable in. I don’t like to think about what to wear, so I just wear the same thing every day," he told DGA Quarterly in 2012. "When I first started shooting with a crew on "Memento," I remember trying to pick up a sandbag and everyone was shouting at me that I wasn’t allowed to do that because there were specific people for that job. As much as I’d like to be able to get my hands dirty, I don’t usually get to do so. So I dress the way I would for a day at the office. It’s just easier that way."

So, there you go. "Interstellar" arrives on November 7th.