Will Ferrell Calls His Spanish-Language Film 'Casa De Mi Padre' Rodriguez & Tarantino-esque

Plus A Negligible Amount Of ‘Step Brothers 2’ News/Hope

In support of the upcoming indie drama “Everything Must Go” (which we dug), Will Ferrell has been making the press rounds with various outlets speaking of not only his angle and his interest in the film, but also a few of his upcoming projects — namely “Casa de mi Padre” and “Step Brothers 2.”

Collider recently chatted with the comedic actor and got some more info on the mysterious and gonzo Spanish movie (nutty and funny trailer here) that left everyone scratching their heads, but not without a smile.

“We set out to write a poorly made Spanish language film,” explained Ferrell. “The best example that I can say is that it is kind of like a telenovela, but it’s not really that. It’s more like a telenovela and at times it’s Quentin Tarantinoesque and it has a little bit of Robert Rodriguez.”

So something made cheaply with a lot of Grindhouse-inspired action, plenty of irony and a lot of love? It certainly looks the part, but don’t be fooled, as there also seems to be some deeply rooted depth, and Ferrell adds, “At the same time our buddy Andrew Steele… wrote a script that is so great… It’s surprisingly satirical. We kind of comment on the whole U.S./Mexico relationship, the American stigmas, the Mexican stigmas, and a little bit on the drug policy. It’s all of that mixed in with a poorly made movie where you see mistakes.”

That should be a real pleasure, but what about a sequel to the John C. Reilly and Ferrell-led comedy “Step Brothers“? “You know, we just had a great meeting with John C. Reilly about maybe another ‘Step Brothers’ because ‘Anchorman‘ is a brick wall right now.” Promising, but very little to go off of right now — maybe if they can reign in the hefty $65 million budget the first one had the studios will be chomping. Either way, you can catch a low-key Will Ferrell in Dan Rush‘s “Everything Must Go” in select theaters today.