'Wonder Woman' Wins Over Audiences In First Reactions To New DCEU Film

Following the middling “Man Of Steel,” dreadful “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice,” and the truly atrocious “Suicide Squad,” Warner Bros. and DC Films had a very low bar to clear for “Wonder Woman” to be considered a success. Well, it looks like they cleared that bar by some measure, if the first reactions are anything to go by.

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As always, the usual caveats are in place — people are always excited to see things early, tastes don’t always align, and particularly for this movie, your feelings on the previous DCEU efforts may affect your mileage here. However, the most telling comparison being made is that the film has the spirit of the first “Superman” movie starring Christopher Reeve, which certainly indicates a slight tonal shift away from Zack Snyder‘s gloomy efforts.

“Wonder Woman” opens on June 2nd.