Colossus Returns For 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past' As Bryan Singer Tweets More Cast Members

nullAh, Twitter, where everything from raging political discourse (in 144 characters or less) to fake Michael Haneke accounts to tweets of funny cat videos all co-exist. And Bryan Singer is a fan of the social media, circumventing ye boring olde trades to drop updates and announcements on the tool that lets him reach fans right away. With the week closing out, he’s shared a few more surprises.

The director tweeted a photo today of the production office with headshots of many of the cast members of the film, along with a few we didn’t know about just yet. Most significant is Daniel Cudmore aka Colossus, who appeared briefly in both “X2” and “X-Men: The Last Stand,” and hopefully he’ll have more to do this time around. Also spied is Fan Bingbing who Deadline report will play the teleporting Blink with someone named Boo Boo Stewart. Will they have significant screentime in a cast already featuring Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Peter Dinklage, Omar Sy and Halle Berry? We doubt it. But at least in Cudmore’s case, he’ll be maintaining a character continuity we didn’t even know we wanted.

Shooting on ‘Future Past’ begins this spring in Montreal and the film hits theaters on July 18, 2014. You can see Singer’s photo and Cudmore’s memorable work in “X2” below. [via ComingSoon]
