The Lesser Of Two Evils? Jared Hess Vs. CGI'd 'New Moon' Wolves

We probably didn’t articulate it and or just ignored it, but the trailer for Jared Hess’ (director of the obnoxious nerd-fest, “Napoleon Dynamite”) “Gentleman Broncos,” looked completely excruciating and up there alongside “Vampire’s Assistant,” as one of the most retarded least enticing trailers of the year (everything you might hate about this guys’ cloying and self-consciously quirky, affected films seem to be rolled into one; though we do admit to having some mild affection for “Nacho Libre,” mainly because half the score was composed by Beck).

His picture comes out this weekend (October 30) and in a recent audience Q&A, Hess threw some digs at “Twilight.” “We didn’t really have the money to make it look too awesome,” Hess told an audience that Vulture was present in. “I don’t know which looked more real, the new wolves from New Moon [or the home-crafted animatronics in his film].”

Now we’ll admit. We’re a bit torn here. We’ve avoided all promotion for “New Moon” this year – aside from the silly indie rockers who joined the soundtrack – because the effects do look positively terrible. We did go into the May-released “New Moon” trailer with an open mind, hell, even hoping that Chris Weitz could make it semi-tolerable, but no fugging go from the looks of it.

So by default, we do have to side with Hess, but the trailer for ‘Broncos’ was far more irritating. Go figure. Someone’s gotta come out victorious. But bad news for Hess. Even the nerd herd who usually love his films came out of Fantastic Fest claiming the picture was a dud and a misstep which therefore means it will likely make us physically ill. You decide, they’re your dollars to throw away spend.