While Oren Moverman is next slated to helm his James Ellroy-scribed cop drama “Rampart” starring Ben Foster, Woody Harrelson and Ice Cube, the director also has the previously announced Kurt Cobain biopic gestating which he was noted to be in talks to take over.
Speaking to The Guardian’s Ryan Gilbey, Moverman has discussed his planned take on the life of the Nirvana frontman and, at the same time, finally confirmed his involvement.
“It’ll be raw and chaotic, which is what Cobain’s life was like, but it’s more linear than ‘I’m Not There’; it’ll take you from A to Z. People know the shortcut version—he took a lot of heroin, wrote ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’, became the biggest rock star in the world and killed himself. Those known things about him are to me the least interesting.”
If we’re to take anything from Moverman’s work on the Bob Dylan biopic “I’m Not There” — which he scribed for Todd Haynes — it’s probably to not expect a regular rise to fame/fall from grace story, with these words pretty affirming for that. It also probably means David Benoiff’s script for the project based on Charles Cross’ 2001 biography “Heavier Than Heaven” is getting a heavy rework from Moverman, who sounds like he’s following his own philosophies.
“Biopics can get hung up on authenticity,” Moverman added. “But our film [“I’m Not There”] is constantly lying—it’s clearly not a truthful representation of Dylan. His name isn’t even mentioned. I can appreciate the frustration of someone who complains that they don’t learn anything about Dylan from the film, but that’s actually true to the experience of trying to understand Dylan; it’s what Dylan himself would want.”
Again, no word on who could take the leading role and with production still a ways away, we don’t imagine sound news will be released until the actual announcements is made. We’ll happily continue to campaign for Moverman collaborator Ben Foster but don’t mind the fact Courtney Love has already expressed admiration for Ryan Gosling and James McAvoy and hate for Robert Pattinson. She does, however, ultimately leave casting duties in the hands of producer/friend Trudie Styler. [via InContention]