This Is What A Straight-To-DVD Dwayne Johnson Movie Looks Like: Trailer For 'Empire State'

nullFirst, some background: back in 2011, director Dito Montiel hit Sundance with his Al Pacino and Channing Tatum starring cop flick “The Son Of No One,” that depending on who you ask, was so bad it prompted a sea of walkouts or had a botched screening thanks to a projectionist error. Either way, the movie was not well received at Park City or otherwise, and so Montiel dusted himself off, and made another cop movie with Dwayne Johnson and Liam Hemsworth. No brainer to work right? Um, not so fast…

The first sign of trouble is with the words, “From the director of Fighting” — which might cause people to ask: what is “Fighting“? (It was a 2009 street fighting movie with Tatum and Terrence Howard, duh). The next sign of trouble is everything else in this confusingly cut trailer for the movie, which stars Johnson as a cop hunting down regular schlub Hemsworth, with the story revolving around the real-life robbery of the Sentry Armored Car Company in 1982 that netted the thieves a $11.4 million haul that, at the time, was the biggest cash robbery in U.S. history. And while the period aesthetics are nice, this looks like every other movie like this made of all time. If video stores still existed, you could find a whole shelf of these.

And yep, that’s right where it’s headed with the movie arriving at your favorite remaining retailer on September 3rd. [FilmDrunk]