Watch: Spike Jonze's Prickly Interview With 'BBC Newsnight' About 'Her'

Her, Phoenix, Jonze, Rooney Mara

The awards season grind can often find filmmakers and actors spending months answering the same questions over and over about their films, to the point of tedium. And most of the time, everyone involved is able to stoically endure the repetitive and sometimes simplistic questions that get lobbed their way, but everyone has their breaking point. And the usually amiable Spike Jonze found his recently on “BBC Newsnight.” 

Speaking with anchor Emily Maitlis, the interview gets off on the wrong foot when she says rather reductively that Jonze’s “Her” is about ” “falling in love with your software.” And then the conversation never quite recovers. 

“Have you seen the movie, Emily?” Jonze asked. “I’m just curious what your reaction was to the movie or what you felt when watching it because the lead-in was all about falling in love with software, which really the movie isn’t about. It’s more of a love story and a relationship story, but I was just wondering what you felt when watching it.” 

The rest of the few minutes finds Jonze trying to prod an honest response out of Maitlis who mostly dodges his questions about her reactions to his film, with Jonze eventually answering a couple more questions before the interview is over. As for Maitlis, she later went on Twitter to share her opinions on “Her” which she couldn’t say to Jonze’s face (and reveals she sort of misses the entire point of the movie). Anyway, see the interview and tweets below and let us know your thoughts in the comments section. [LAist]